Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Healthcare - The Cure

I wrote the following on my Facebook wall yesterday in response to several in Congress saying the Federal Government was the best means of determining health care and its delivery:

"Man's political freedom is illusory if he is dependent for his economic needs on the State." B. Goldwater.

I say, "Man's actual or REAL freedom is illusory if he is dependent for his HEALTH needs on the Federal Government." The right of SELF DETERMINATION is paramount, not FED DETERMINATION.

A high school classmate - Tripp, who I have not heard from in quite a few years, responded on my "wall" with the following:

Hey Jim.

Question, would that be self-determination of the individual? Or would that be the self-determination of Blue Cross and Blue Shield? Example, $1,100/mo premium, 60/40% co-pay prescriptions (only generic), $10,000 deductible?

Where is out self-determination? Should health-care be provided based on ability to pay?

What about group ... Read Morecoverage. Why should an individual be discriminated due to lack of group coverage? In these days of moving employment out of the US, and Walmart indirectly setting wage rates, where is individual self-determination in the US today?

What gives?

All good questions, which gave me pause, for about a minute. I then responded with the following:

Trip, to me it is very simple - personal choice.

I chose the college I went to based on my ability to pay. I paid for it, not my parents - no money. I chose my career path, based on its satisfaction & economic benefit. I chose my house based on my ability to pay the mortgage, which is the result of my choice of careers, savings & investments. It is the same with my car, furnishings, children’s education, retirement and HEALTH CARE!

I don’t expect you, my community, the Federal Government to pay for my choices. They are my responsibility. Any success or the lack there of is a result of my choices - or in a word, self-determination .

Specifically regarding health care, increasing competition, expanding coverage and reducing cost is simple.

1. Eliminate “Group Plans” and market individual plans which could be paid by an employer. The tax benefit would pass through to the individual.

2. Eliminate pre-existing conditions clause.

3. Eliminate non-portability, once covered - always covered.

4. Individual plans can be marketed nationally.

5. Tort reform by capping attorney fees. No cap on awards to plaintiffs. Let’s limit the profits to attorneys, like the Fed wants to do with bankers, doctors, CEO’s, etc.

6. Federal Government sponsored plan for “basic coverage” (Wellness, catastrophic, emergency) to those who fall below an established “poverty line” or floor. Also, US citizens above the “floor” can opt in the Fed plan for a fee. The unemployed can port over to this plan and port back when they are no longer unemployed.

This would increase competition immediately, thus reduce cost. Also, all could choose the level of coverage that is adequate and affordable for them.

PS: I am self employed, after being layed off 5 times in the last 20 years by company buy outs and plant closures. Self employment is my choice, my responsibility, my “self determination.”

This is my take on what is missing in the debate regarding Health Care - Personal Responsibility and Self Determination.

Tweet me at jtstl, or contact me on Facebook. I answer all.

From the Right Side of Mid-America,